Hey there. My name is Mr. Limus Woods, a Professional Business Writer/Editor. My main focus in life right now is to write real-life stories and articles in the style of Creative Nonfiction with real-life business owners from the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.

Here's my Facebook page. Feel free to shoot me a friend request. (https://www.facebook.com/limus.words)

Or, you can simply contact me by phone. Call or text me at (843) 246-5387 during business hours (below).

My email is limusw@gmail.com. When I see your email or text message, I'll respond normally within a business day with a copy of my previously published content, a resume with published links that you can click on and easliy read.

I'm on LinkedIn, too, but I honestly barely use LinkedIn. So, seriously, just email me for the resume so that you and I can get on an email thread and start talking here and there over the coming weeks about me writing Search Engine Optimized (SEO) real-life interview stories for your business for the years to come.

I'm telling you right now, I'm only looking for long-term business-owners and entreprenuers to start doing stories for, and I only want long-term relationships with passionate people who absolutely love their business and want to tell the world about it, and keep telling the world about it and its happenings for the life of the business.

It takes about three months to get a Pee Dee, South Carolina business to the top of Google with fun-to-read, informative stories and articles, so I am very selective about who I start doing business with.

I'm currently doing it for two, The Business Hub in Lake City, SC, and KunTree Urban Media & Film out of Columbia, SC. I want cleaning businesses, car-detailing entreprenuers, hotels, plumbers, barbers, start-up restaurants, botanists, dentists, pharmacies, indepedent therapsist, lawyers...anyone who has passion about thier trade, craft, and/or career and just will never get enough of telling the world about it.

I repeat. I will not work with any business owner in any trade who does not love his or her business as much as I love mine. Period.

This is because after writing a few dozen blogs and getting your local business to the top of Google in your area for your type of business (by writing fun-to-read, interview-filled, informative creative nonfiction stories and articles), I will to start pitching your local South Carolina business to its adjacent trade journal(s), so that it can get known nationwide, and, in some instances, internationally (for example, I wrote some interview articles with some people near Ukraine last year, Lithuania to be exact...)

Hope to hear from you. Have a good one. Peace & Love,

Mr. Limus Woods

(843) 246-5387

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific

10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Mountain 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Central Noon to 8:00 p.m. Eastern

Follow me on Medium.